press release

Ilya Yashin in Berlin: Event Report

Solidarity in Mauerpark, as Russian opposition leader makes his first public appearance post-release

On August 7, 2024, a significant event took place in Berlin’s Mauerpark featuring Russian opposition politician Ilya Yashin, marking his first public appearance since his release from a penal colony. The gathering attracted more than 2,000 attendees and served as a powerful demonstration of solidarity and commitment to the development of democracy and the protection of human rights in Russia. The event was covered by representatives from global news agencies, leading German publications, and independent Russian media outlets, totaling over 60 journalists.

Ilya Yashin’s release resulted from a historic prisoner swap between Russia and the West, which freed 16 political prisoners, including citizens of Germany and the USA. Mr. Yashin had been sentenced to 8.5 years for condemning the actions of Russian troops in Ukraine. Despite his imprisonment, Ilya remained steadfast in his desire to build a free and democratic Russia. Immediately after his release, he expressed his intention to return to his homeland and continue his political work for his country.

Mr. Yashin addressed several critical issues during the event, including resistance to authoritarianism:

“I know that my people are free people who refuse to accept tyranny and who call war by its name.”

He also spoke about the war in Ukraine, emphasizing Ukraine’s role as Europe’s shield and the importance of institutional support for the war-torn country:

“Today, Ukraine is the main victim of this war. Vladimir Putin seems like an apocalyptic rider, bringing darkness over Ukraine—a darkness that brings death and sorrow to many, a darkness that has claimed countless lives.”

Regarding the plight of political prisoners in Russia and Belarus, Ilya stated:

“We must show solidarity. This is not someone else’s problem. There are no “foreign” political prisoners: in this regard, Russians and Belarusians are united; it is a tragedy for both of us. While defending Russian political prisoners, we must also advocate for the Belarusian ones and demand their inclusion in prisoner exchanges. We should urge the international community to pressure Mr. Lukashenko into releasing them.”

Mr. Yashin expressed disbelief at his newfound freedom, crediting the support of ordinary people and the 30,000 letters he received in prison for keeping his spirits high. He emphasized that despite being physically confined, he always felt free in spirit due to this support. Ilya paid tribute to victims of the Putin regime, including Alexei Navalny and Boris Nemtsov, and stressed the importance of advocacy. He acknowledged the challenges of being a Russian politician in exile but expressed hope to one day represent a peaceful and free Russia where children are not sent to die in wars.

The event was organized by Free Russia Foundation and Reforum Space Berlin. We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed to making this event possible:

— The German government;

— Event host, journalist Tatyana Felgenhauer;

— Speakers who shared the stage with Ilya Yashin:

Elena Gordon, mother of political prisoner Vladimir Kara-Murza;

Vadim Prokhorov, lawyer for Mr. Yashin and Mr. Kara-Murza;

Greg Frolov, Vice President at Free Russia Foundation;

— Numerous volunteers who dedicated their time and energy.

We thank the media for their coverage and support, as well as the photographers who captured these important moments. A heartfelt “Thank You” goes out to the entire crowd, whose energy made this event truly special. Your support is invaluable.

A fundraising campaign was held during the event to support Russian political prisoners and their families. The active participation in this campaign highlights the commitment of our supporters to contribute significantly, including financially, to the common cause.

We are unwavering in our resolve to secure the release of all political prisoners of the Kremlin. We will not stop until every unjustly detained individual is freed. Furthermore, we grow stronger by engaging the international community and activists worldwide, confident that justice will prevail.

The August 7 event is just the beginning. We are already planning a series of initiatives for the near future. These include meetings with Ilya Yashin in European cities where FRF Reforum Spaces operate. Our main goal is to ensure that the voices of political prisoners are heard and that their release becomes a priority on the global agenda. Together, we can change Russia for the better and build a future where every citizen lives with dignity and without fear.



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