We have learned this morning that our colleague and friend Vladimir Kara-Murza is in a Moscow hospital in critical condition with absolutely similar symptoms he faced in 2015.
We are asking for prayers for Vladimir and his wife Evgenia and for the excellent doctors treating him so that he can make a full and speedy recovery.
It is a sad day for our country when our first thoughts are that he is facing another politically motivated attack. We hope this isn’t the case and we encourage local police and federal investigators to urgently look into this matter.
We know an atmosphere has been created through the use of repetitive propaganda that encourages violence against those who pursue a better way for Russia. We only hope this hasn’t happened yet again.
Vladimir Kara-Murza is a Russian opposition leader and a coordinator with Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s Open Russia Movement.
On May 26, 2015, he abruptly fell ill and was in critical condition for several days. He spent about two months in hospitals in Moscow and outside Washington, D.C. We believe he was poisoned.