
#PutinKills — Join the campaign!

Vladimir Putin is coming to New York on September, 28 to give a speech at the UN General Assembly’s 70th anniversary.

Let’s set it straight: the UN stage is not the right place for him. However, Putin is obviously following the trend and general behavior of every dictator who has lived on this planet in last 70 years. Fidel Castro, Muammar Gadhafi, Hugo Chaves, Nikita Khrushchev and many others were stood on that stage and gave passionate speeches denouncing the bloody hegemony of the United States and dictatorship of the “West,” and calling for the multi-polarity of the world.

Vladimir Putin, Russian dictator, will now attempt to secure his “great place” in world history and, yes, to blame the West again. We can’t cancel his speech, but we can help Vladimir Putin to secure his proper place in the history — as an immoral cold-blooded murderer, an international criminal and the leader of one of the biggest criminal communities in the world.

Let’s use his speech as a chance to tell people about the wars in Eastern Ukraine, in Georgia, and now in Syria; about all the tragedies that happened in Russia during Vladimir Putin’s rule including Kursk, Nord-Ost, Beslan, and many others; all those political assassinations, abuses of human rights, oppressions and crackdowns. 118 dead sailors in the Kursk Submarine Disaster, 333 dead hostages in Beslan attack, 174 hostages in Nord-Ost Attack, 298 in MH17 plane crash, at least 5000 dead during conflict in Eastern Ukraine – this is even not a full list of tragedies that happened due to the direct or indirect involvement of Vladimir Putin. The World will never remember all the names of people hidden by those scary numbers, but it will remember the names of many of them – our friends and colleagues -who were killed because of their investigations, political and human rights activities: their names are Anna Politkovskaya, Natalia Estimirova, Stanislav Markelov, Sergei Magnitsky, Boris Nemtsov.

This week we are launching the awareness campaign #PutinKills in order to tell people about the victims of Putin who is going to New York to speak at the UN General Assembly. And we are looking for your help!

Please join our campaign:

Use hashtag #PutinKills to tell people who is Mr. Putin;

Share and like the stories of the victims that we will post for a next week;

Join the Twitter storm on September 27 — 28;
Facebook event: goo.gl/Xy6BSB

Join us for rallies in New York on September 27 — 28;
Facebook event: goo.gl/XAHU9d

Together we can use Putin’s visit to the UN as a tool to make this world less comfortable for the dictators.



Join us on social media for more information